WELCOME to Party WaNtEd!! A 1-8 PlayEr Co-Op RoguElikE DEck-BuildEr With Social Party GaMEs! Work togEthEr with friENds or play solo to dEfEAt all 4 BossEs aNd EscapE thE PyraMid of Chaos! 


216 Cards Base Game 

42 Lands (5 Mini-Bosses

32 Card Healer Deck  

32 Card Rogue Deck 

32 Card Wizard Deck 

32 Card Fighter Deck 

17 Encounters / 17 Treasures  

10 Monsters / 8 Bosses

1 Turn Order Card / 1 Enemy Health Counter

38 Card Minotaur Expansion Deck 

25 card Minotaur Deck 

7 Lands (1 Mini-Boss), 

1 Monster, 1 Boss, 2 Treasures, and 2 Encounters 

38 Card Druid Expansion Deck 

27 Card Druid Deck 

5 Lands (1 Mini-Boss), 

1 Monster, 1 Boss, 2 Treasures, and 2 Encounters 

38 Card Bard Expansion Deck 

27 Card Bard Deck 

5 Lands (1 Mini-Boss), 

1 Monster, 1 Boss, 2 Treasures, and 2 Encounters

58 Card Necromancer Expansion Deck

29 Card Necromancer Deck  

13 Lands (1 Mini-Boss), 

6 Monster, 2 Boss, 4 Treasures, and 3 Encounters, 1 Combat Modifier Card


Once you have gathered your Build Pool, remove your 2 double-sided Hero Level cards and your Health Counter card. Then place the your Level 1 Hero card face up on top of the other Level card and match the Health Counter with the arrow matching your starting health as shown above. Then find the 10 cards with the S symbol on the bottom right corner out of your Build Pool, shuffle them together, and place them face down to make your initial Hero Deck. There are 13 S cards total. The Build Pool is then placed sideways off to side as shown above. 


(If playing solo, Draw 1 card and Bury 1 card for the Social.) 

applying an ongoing bonus rule, move to the Action step. 


Co-op coMbat tUtorial


There are 3 Enemy Categories 




and 3 Creature Types

 H=Humanoid | B=Beast | U=Undead 



ThE Party wiNs by killiNg thE 4th Boss aNd EscapiNg thE PyraMid of Chaos!

ThE Party losEs if all thE HEroEs HP is rEdUcEd to 0.


If you want a challenge or prefer your adventures with a hook then check out the Nemesis Card in each Build Pool for your Hero and add its Rules


If Nemesis alone is not enough and you want even more difficulty then you will find Class or Utility cards that have a H Inside a Skull (Hard Mode) in the lower left corner, use these cards instead of the S (Starter) cards for your Hero Deck for even more of a challenge!  (Your start with the same S cards for Attack and Defense Cards.)

-You can also not heal between rounds for a even harder game! 

Normal Round:

Hero chooses a Land on the current Tier and resolves the Social followed by the Action, then Drinking (optional)

If there is Combat, plan your cards with the Party, and try to use the least cards possible to defeat the Enemy

Obtain rewards if any, then the next Hero chooses a Land from the next Tier above.

Muti Enemy Combat:

On rare occasions you will be prompted to fight more than one enemy at the same time. Only Base Stats will apply to both monsters. The Party will need to designate cards played to each creature separately. 

Boss Round:

The Boss is flipped over by any Hero and not counted as a Land choice. Its Social is resolved and the Heroes fight it. After the Boss is defeated, all Heroes get a Treasure and upgrade their Hero card to the next Level. Then choose a Utility or Class card from their Build pool to Add to their Hero Deck. Heroes vote on which of them get their Ultimate card to Add to their Hero Deck. Set up the Pyramid for the next Level. Heroes shuffle their whole Hero Deck, (including cards in hand and Discard pile), and Draw 4 cards.



ACTION: Activity activated by the revealing hero after the social of a land is completed. Unless stated otherwise, actions only happen once.  

ADD: Allows hero’s to add certain cards from their build pool to their hero deck.

ATTACK: (ICON: dice with crossed swords behind it icon). Determines base attack. The hero needs to meet or beat the defense of an enemy to do 1 hp damage. The enemy needs to beat the hero’s defense to do excess hp damage.

ATTACK & DEFENSE CARDS: Basic hero cards that give +x to attack or defense stat of that hero until the end of round. Can be buried for +1 attack or defense to any hero until the end of round.  

BASE STAT:  A stats total number including any permanents before you play cards that add to the stat.

BEAST: (ICON: B on upper right of scroll) Classification for the enemy.

BOSS: The enemy on the top tier of the pyramid of chaos in each level. The death of these level specific enemies is how the party level up and progress to the next level. 

BUFF: (ICON: 2 flexing biceps) Cards that can be played at any point of combat. 

Eg, The haste card can be played to increase the party’s speed before initiative is determined in combat. 

BUILD POOL: The hero and all cards pertaining to that hero. Cards from here are used to create hero decks. Cards added come from here and cards removed end up back here.

BURY: Placing a card played or died back under their respective deck’s face-up.

BURY PILE: The play area for all deck types that is filled with buried cards. Each time a deck is drawn to completion and the face-up cards are left, flip them facedown and shuffle them to remake that deck. 

CLASS & UTILITY CARDS: Hero cards that have specific abilities on them and are buffs. S for easy mode and H for hard mode. 

COMBAT: Initiated by fighting, drawing, or revealing any monster, mini-boss, or boss. Consists of rounds in which heroes and enemies fight until only one side remains.

Each round of combat has two phases: Planning and Execution

Planning phase: Heroes agree on which cards to use together. Look to see who may need help to hit or defend against the enemy..

Execution phase: Resolve attacks and defense of the heroes and enemies from highest speed to slowest.   

DAMAGE: In terms of hero, any attack that is unblocked from the enemy. 

    In terms of the enemy, the 1 hp loss per attack that meets or passes its defense. 

DEAD/DEATH/DIED: When an enemy or hero’s hp is at 0, death occurs. An enemy death ends combat and the party continues. a hero death results in that hero losing all permanents and shuffling cards in their hand back in the hero deck. Resurrection can bring a hero back to life. If all heroes are dead, the party loses the game. 

DECK: A stack of color coated and labeled cards. Deck types are: boss, encounter, hero, land, monster, and treasure.

DEFENSE: (ICON: shield). Determines base defense. What needs to be overcome to deal damage to enemies or what is used to prevent damage from enemies.  

DRAW: For heroes it refers to taking the top card of their hero deck and putting it in their hand. Lands and beating bosses will prompt heroes to take the top of other decks to take cards from the top of.

DRINKING: Optional activity activated after the action of a land or boss is completed.

ENEMY: The overall term for monsters, mini-bosses, or bosses.

ENCOUNTER: Cards obtained through lands. They are either single use, instant resolve, or permanent. Buried after use. 

HAND: Cards that can be used by heroes each round of combat. These cards are drawn from the hero deck.

HARD CARDS: (ICON: dice symbol with a H in it) Weak cards to start the game with. Only class and utility cards. In hard mode, basic attack/defense with an S are still used. Necromancer still uses minions for its starting cards.   

HARD MODE: A variation of party wanted where hard cards, nemesis, and other rules are used to add more challenge.  

HERO: The character/class each player plays as. 

HERO DECK: The collection of cards from the hero’s build pool that is constructed to play by each hero in the pyramid of chaos. Cards are removed from this deck or added to this deck from the build pool. When there are no more cards to draw from the hero deck, shuffle the bury pile and flip it upside down to become the hero deck again.

HIT POINTS: (ICON: heart). Determines hit points (hp) or health before death.

HUMANOID: (ICON: H on upper right of scroll) A classification for the enemy.

INSTANT RESOLVE: These cards resolve immediately upon drawing. Bury after being resolved. 


LAND: Cards that are revealed by heroes each turn. Lands consist of a social, action, and optional drinking activity. 

LEVEL: Determines the stats used for the heroes vs monsters, mini-bosses, and which set of bosses to choose from while in the pyramid of chaos. The party gains a level after defeating each level's appropriate boss. Enemies level up with the party.  Everything starts at level 1 and ends after level 4. 

MINI-BOSS: A special land that is also an enemy. They have 2 sets of stats depending on the party's level. 

MONSTER: An enemy that initiates combat with the party when drawn. Bury when death occurs.  

NEMESIS: Bosses and mini-bosses that give disadvantages to certain heroes when fought but when slain give those certain heroes great rewards.

ONCE PER COMBAT: These cards are placed to the side of the playing field after they are used and don’t get buried into the hero deck until the end of combat.

PARTY: The group of heroes (or the players of the group). 

PERMANENT: These cards are attached to the hero and placed under their hero level card. Stay equipped until sacrificed or hero death. 

PYRAMID OF CHAOS: The area where lands, bosses, and other decks are placed.

REMOVE: Allows hero’s to remove certain cards from their hero deck back to their build pool.

REVEAL: Flip of a land, boss, or card from the top of a deck if prompted.  

ROUND: A turn of combat. A round is done once all heroes and enemies have finished attacking and defending. 

SACRIFICE: Using these abilities send the card used back to the source of their arrival. Eg. Sacrificing weapon, minions or armor sends it back to that hero’s build pool. Sacrificing any permanent treasure or encounter, buries the card under their respective deck.

SINGLE USE: These cards can be held by the hero and used once at hero discretion. bury after use. 

SOCIAL: Activity activated by the reveal of a land or boss. A party game to obtain rewards. In solo gameplay, the hero can draw 1 card and bury 1 card instead of the party game

SPEED: (ICON: stopwatch). Determines base speed. Decides turn order. Tie goes in the hero's favor. 

STARTER CARDS: (ICON: S in lower right of card) Strong hero cards, easy lands, and easy monsters to start the game with. 

TIER: Each row of the pyramid of chaos. 

There are 3 tiers all together.

-Tier 1 is the boss (1 chosen from 2-4 at random)

-Tier 2 has 2 lands to choose from.

-Tier 3 has 3 lands to choose from. 

TREASURE: Cards activated from lands and rewards from defeating bosses. They are either single use, instant resolve, or permanent. 

TURN: The hero reveals a land on the pyramid of chaos. Speed decides the hero to go first and receive the turn counter card and then the clockwise hero follows. 

Boss reveal does not count as a turn.  

TURN COUNTER CARD: A card used to track who the revealing hero is. 

ULTIMATE CARD: Special hero cards that can only be gained from defeating a boss and then rewarded through party vote. 

UNDEAD: (ICON: U on upper right of scroll) A classification for the enemy.

WATERFALL: Revealing hero starts drinking their drink, and the hero clockwise of them starts to drink, followed by the next hero, etc. When the revealing hero stops drinking, each hero subsequently stops drinking. 


Playing the Turn:


Leveling Up:


If you are still having rules issues check here and if its not answered feel free to tag me @LordofChaos and ask in the #rules-questions